2023 CRIA
Meet the cria

Born 12th May 2023
Hooch was our first cria born of 2023. He is a quiet little boy who can be found playing in the paddock but is never to far away from mum.

Born 24th May 2023
Scarlett Lady was our first female cria born in 2023.
She loves to roll and chill out in the dust bath.

Born 25th May 2023
Hank was a big cria weighing in at 10.2kg when he was born. He is very playful and loves to run around the paddock from the second he was born.

Born 25th May 2023
Choctaw is the first daughter born from our very special Sheriff bullseye. She can be usually found relaxing in the dust bath with mum.

Born 1st June 2023
Hania is a quiet girl who has a very close bond with mum and will always be beside her. She can usually be found snoozing under the apple trees.

Born 2nd June 2023
Rose is the first Rose Grey alpaca born at Sheriff. She can usually be found near mum or running around with the others.

Born 12th June 2023
Tomahawk is a lovely boy who has made good friends with Hank and Mohawk. He can usually be found getting up to mischief with the others.

Born 25th May 2023
Martha Jane is a very lively girl who can be found running around the paddocks. She is so fast it took us two days when she was born to capture a photo.

Born 15th June 2023
Mohawk is a handsome born boy who is the son of Sheriff Bullseye on our walking team. He loves to relazx in the dust bath with his friends or his mum.

Born 17 June 2023
Jolene is our first Suri born in 2023. She is a very playful little one who can be found running around after mum. She loves to show of her luxrious locks.

Born 21 June 2023
Yee Haw is a quiet little boy who is never to far away from mum's side, but he does love playing with all his friends too.

Born 24th June 2023
Etta is our first Black Suri ever born on the farm she loves playing with all the other cria on the farm and can usually be found laid in the dust baths relaxing .

Born 24th June 2023
Goldie is named from her colour, She is a lovely gold colour and is a very cheeky one. She is always up to mischief with her best friend Martha-Jane!

Born 1st July 2023
Cowgirl is a Suri and loves spending time with her half sister Kasa, She can be found running around with Etta and usually laid in the dust bath.

Born 5th July 2023
Mary loves running around the paddock. The day she was born she spent the first few hours running non-stop with poor mum trying to keep up!

Born 10th August 2023
Clint is very unique with his white patches on his face, He a very cute little boy who loves exploring all areas of the paddocks.

Born 4th September 2023
Bronco is a very active little boy who, from the second he was born, was running around. Bronco loves to play with all his friends.

Born 15th September 2023
Wakanda is usually found running full speed around the paddock. She is the last Cria to be born in 2023 and is the full sister to Cheyenne, born in 2022!